
Once you receive the file, extract it and serve it locally using bundle exec jekyll serve.

If you do not have bundler then delete the Gemfile and use jekyll serve. This should work as long as you have all the gems used in the theme.

If a gem is missing - let’s say jekyll-paginate is missing - you might see the following error.

Configuration file: /home/bryce/_repos/user/blackcurrant/_config.yml
  Dependency Error: Yikes! It looks like you don't have jekyll-paginate or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- jekyll-paginate' If you run into trouble, you can find helpful resources at!
jekyll 3.1.2 | Error:  jekyll-paginate

In the above error code, you can clearly see that you are missing jekyll-paginate. You can solve this by installing the missing gem using the command

gem install jekyll-paginate


Change the site settings in the yml file found in _data/settings.yml file.

title: Blackcurrant
description: Blackcurrant is a minimal theme to show off your skills online.

Update few important third-party keys.

# Google Analytics Tracker
analytics: UA-XXXXXXXX-2  # Sign up with Google analytics and replace with your analytics ID

# Comments by Disqus # Sign up with Disqus to get your shortcode. Leave it blank if you do not want to run diqus code on the website.
disqus: webjeda-demo

Disable mathjax and chartjs if you are not using them.

# Mathjax setting
enable-mathjax: yes

# Charts
enable-chartjs: yes

Editing settings.yml or _config.yml can break your site. Be cautious about the indentation.

Color scheme

The color scheme for Blackcurrant Jekyll theme is set by _config.yml.

Here are a few values you might find by default.

color-scheme: '#1abc9c' # Green
# color-scheme: '#2693e6' # Blue
# color-scheme: '#987ce6' # Purple
# color-scheme: '#ea67a8' # Pink
# color-scheme: '#ec632b' # Orange

Remove the # of any color scheme and place it below all other color schemes. That should do it.

Menu items can be found in _data/settings.yml. You can change the menu title and link that you would like in the sidebar to appear.

# Menu items in the sidebar
# Use a maximum of 3 items
  - title: Projects
    link: /projects/

  - title: Blog
    link: /blog/

  - title: Contact
    link: /contact/

Once you edit the link, make sure you have the same permalink: /something/ in the page as well. For example, here Contact menu item has a link /contact/. If you open the file inside _pages directory, you will see that the permalink is set to /contact/.

Social share buttons

Social share buttons are also found in the settings.yml file. The icons are from font-awesome. Usually a font awesome icon code will be like this,

<i class="fa fa-quora" aria-hidden="true"></i>

We will be using only fa-quora part of the above code to configure the icons.

# Social icons in the sidebar
# use font awesome icon code in the 'icon:' value
       icon: fa-facebook-square

      icon: fa-twitter

      icon: fa-linkedin

      icon: fa-github

Add or remove icons from this list and change the link: to appropriate social page.

Expertise section

Expertise is a bar graph with smooth animations displayed on the homepage. This can be customized according to your skills. Select the colors you choose to make it look attractive.

  - title: HTML5
    level: 45
    color: rgb(247, 205, 182)

  - title: CSS3
    level: 65
    color: rgb(113, 178, 222)

  - title: jQuery
    level: 50
    color: rgb(80, 185, 185)

  - title: PHP
    level: 40
    color: rgb(124, 142, 222)

  - title: WordPress
    level: 75
    color: rgb(160, 158, 158)

  - title: SEO
    level: 90
    color: rgb(112, 195, 148)

  - title: Photoshop
    level: 70
    color: rgb(230, 133, 172)